Tree Inspection Before winter sets in, it is crucial to inspect your trees for any signs of damage, disease, or weakness. Our trained arborists at Tru Tree Service will carefully assess your trees to identify any issues that may need attention. By conducting a thorough inspection, we can determine the best course of action to keep your trees healthy and safe during the winter.
Pruning and Trimming Proper pruning and trimming are essential for the health and safety of your trees. Tru Tree Service offers expert pruning services to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches that could pose a risk during the winter months. By trimming your trees, we can improve their overall structure and promote healthy growth.
Fertilization and Mulching To help your trees withstand the cold winter conditions, Tru Tree Service provides fertilization and mulching services. Fertilization can provide your trees with the nutrients they need to stay strong and healthy throughout the winter. Mulching helps insulate the soil around your trees, protecting their roots from freezing temperatures and frost.
Winter Tree Protection During the winter, your trees are more vulnerable to damage from snow, ice, and strong winds. Tru Tree Service offers winter tree protection services to help safeguard your trees against winter hazards. From bracing and cabling to prevent breakage to snow removal to reduce the weight on tree limbs, our team can help protect your trees from winter storms.
Emergency Tree Services In the event of a winter storm or tree emergency, Tru Tree Service is available 24/7 to provide emergency tree services. Whether a tree has fallen on your property or a branch is at risk of falling, our team can quickly respond to address the situation and ensure the safety of your trees and property.
At Tru Tree Service, we are committed to the health and safety of your trees year-round. By preparing your trees for winter, we can help ensure that they remain strong and resilient in the face of harsh weather conditions. Trust Tru Tree Service for all of your tree care needs, and let us help you keep your trees healthy and beautiful throughout the winter season.
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